Monday, August 22, 2011

Holding an ICWA 'Teach In', Friday, Oct 28 in Washington, DC!

Thank you for your continued support and prayers!!  

We received final confirmation from Senator Hoeven’s office today:  The ICWA "Teach-in" will be held FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 9am to 1pm in the Senate Committee for Indian Affairs hearing room in Washington DC. 

Dr. William B. Allen will be our main speaker and we expect the information and material offered to be exceptional. Dr. Allen is a Professor in Political Science, the former Chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights under Ronald Reagan, and a strong opponent of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)

Remember – the Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare (CAICW) is the ONLY national organization advocating for families who have lost or are at risk of losing children due to application of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and has been advocating for families since 2004.

Feb 26, 2011— “We need help! This child will be dead in this woman's hands. We feel the good fight to do what's right but fear this child will be severely marred.”
April 7, 2011— “I have no were else to turn. My girls and i are in desperate need of help. If there is anyway you can help us please contact me as soon possible day or night…”
May 18, 2011—”our kids were taken yesterday. The pain is difficult to bear. We love these kids so much. This will be there third family placement since coming into foster care almost 2 years ago.”

ALL are welcome to come join and support us there. Come on Wednesday prior and spend a couple days visiting with the offices of your Senators and Representatives - and invite their staff to come attend the Teach-in!

Please share this note with friends and relatives that might be interested!

Also - We still have SAMARITAN Discount cards available for sale to help with expenses  ;)
Contact me if you would like one or would like a few to share some with friends!

Twitter:   ( @CAICW )

DONATIONS NEEDED for Teach-in expenses! Thanks!!! :)   - Click this Link for direct donations to CAICW, a 501c3 non-profit 


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tribal govt is very effective at playing victim card, never mentioning realities behind ICWA kids abuse family